Family Connections Center
Gemma Aquino
Family Engagement Specialist
Phone Number: (425)456-7684
Office: Room 202
List of Other BSD Family Connection Center Sites
Immigrant & Undocumented Students – Know Your Rights
This year we are asking all families to complete the Family Connections Welcome form. Completing this form will help ensure that we are able to connect students to the programs they need. Please bear in mind these programs are not guaranteed and are subject to change.
The mission of the Family Connections Centers is to support all families in the Bellevue School District by providing access to district and community services and resources so that they may build a strong foundation for students to succeed in college, career and life.
The Family Engagement Specialist (FES) is here to help families find and receive the services they need to send their children to school ready to learn. These services range from emergency food boxes to a student’s first new pair of sneakers to English classes for parents. In addition, the FES provides information and referral services connecting families with counselors, food and utility assistance programs, and free or reduced health care information and programs.
The Bellevue School District, Sammamish High School, and the Family Engagement Specialist (FES) remain committed to serving our community through the challenges posed by the COVID-2019 situation and will continue to provide resources and information, as they become available. We have resources and information that can assist you during these times. Though our Family Engagement Specialist, may not be onsite and available to help you face-to-face, but can help via email or phone and connect you to assistance during this time.
Our Family Connections Centers are open to all BSD students and families! Need something in person? Visit our Family Connection Center locations for regularly donated items like non-perishable food, fresh produce, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, masks and clothing
Lake Hills Elementary FCC: Monday – Friday 9am – 2pm
Stevenson Elementary FCC: Monday – Friday 12pm – 5pm